"TAKE IT EASY" Baclofen (Baclocur°) and alcohol dependence
Un exercice pour perfectionner son anglais biomédical : un texte en anglais, avec son glossaire et son mini-quiz.

Alcohol dependence is a serious and potentially fatal chronic disease, characterised by loss of control of alcohol consumption. The first step in helping alcohol-dependent patients is to establish a relationship of trust in order to get them to accept the need for treatment. Next, psychological and social support...

randomised trial • mean baseline level • drowsiness • dizziness • seizure • safety signal...

Questions (True or False?)
1- The first step in helping alcohol-dependent patients is to establish a relashionship of trust.
2- Drug therapy is the cornerstone of treatment of alcohol dependence.
3- High doses of baclofen (more than 80 mg per day) possibly carry a risk of hospitalisation and death.
4- Moderate-dose baclofen is an option to help alcohol-dependent patients control their alcohol consumption.

Pour le texte + glossaire + questions/réponses, téléchargez l'exercice complet.

©Compétence 4 • Juin 2020

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